
Pakistan Supreme Court To Resume Hearing On PM Imran Khan’s Bid To Stay On


Pakistan’s Supreme Court will today resume the hearing on the dismissal of a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Imran Khan and the dissolution of Parliament by the President on the advice of the embattled Prime Minister, a day after adjourning the proceedings after promising to give a “reasonable order” in the high-profile case.

Pakistan’s top court had taken cognizance of the current political situation in the country.

Pakistan President Arif Alvi had dissolved the National Assembly (Parliament) on the advice of Prime Minister Khan, minutes after Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri rejected a no-confidence motion against the premier, who had effectively lost the majority in the 342-member lower house of Parliament on Sunday.

Chief Justice Umar Ata Bandial said that all orders and actions initiated by the Prime Minister and the President regarding the dissolution of the National Assembly will be subject to the court’s order.

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