
‘Sorry!’, says Shashi Tharoor after slamming PM Narendra Modi’s speech in Bangladesh

A day after slamming Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his speech in Bangladesh, Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Saturday (March 27, 2021) apologised saying that he doesn’t mind admitting when he is wrong.

The Prime Minister during his two-day visit to the neighbouring country had said that he did ‘satyagraha’ for Bangladesh’s freedom.

“I must have been 20-22 years old when I and my colleagues did satyagraha for Bangladesh’s freedom,” PM Modi had said in Dhaka while addressing the golden jubilee celebrations of Bangladesh’s Independence and the birth centenary of its founder Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Slamming the speech, Shashi Tharoor took to his official Twitter account and said, “International education: Our PM is giving Bangladesh a taste of Indian “fake news”. The absurdity is that everyone knows who liberated Bangladesh.”

However, 12 hours later, the Congress MP accepted that he was wrong and said, “I don’t mind admitting when I’m wrong. Yesterday, on the basis of a quick reading of headlines and tweets, I tweeted “everyone knows who liberated Bangladesh,” implying that Narendra Modi had omitted to acknowledge Indira Gandhi. It turns out he did. Sorry!”

Several BJP and Congress leaders were engaged in the war of words on Twitter over the same speech.

Meanwhile, PM Modi on his second day of the visit is attending an event at Bangladesh’s Orakandi.

“Both India and Bangladesh want to see the world progressing through their own progress. Both the nations want to see stability, love, and peace in the world instead of instability, terror, and unrest,” PM said during an address to the Matua community in Orakandi.

Earlier in the day, he sought blessings at the Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple.

This is Prime Minister Modi’s first foreign visit since the outbreak of COVID-19.

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